First aid kit for grandparents
First aid kit for grandparents

First aid kit for grandparents

The project is carried by
Started: 09.02.2024
Ternopil region
Totally raised
1935.0 UAH
Total goal
1935.00 UAH

Thanks to the funds raised from benefactors under the ‘First Aid Kit for Grandparents’ project, which was placed on the platform of the Charitable Organisation of the International Charitable Foundation ‘Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace’ dobro. ua, we had the opportunity to partially implement this activity and purchase essential medicines for 16 elderly people who are lonely, seriously ill, and low-income beneficiaries of the project ‘Palliative care: social and medical assistance to people in need of mobile palliative care 2023-2024’. The initial amount of the fundraising was UAH 33381.00 (thirty-three thousand three hundred and eighty-one UAH.00), as only 5% of the required amount was raised over a long period of time, it was decided to stop fundraising and reduce the amount to the actual amount of UAH 1935.00 (one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five UAH.00) to start the project.

Taking these medications is a daily routine for grandparents who have a number of concomitant and chronic diseases, and therefore taking certain medications daily according to their diagnoses is important to maintain their health and normal functioning.

Therefore, this assistance is necessary and important, showing care and compassion, indifference to lonely grandparents, especially in this difficult time.

A financial report is submitted on all funds used.

Summary cost table
Costs Sum (UAH)
Purchase of medicines 1935.00
Total project costs 1935.00
Remnant 0.00
Total 1935.00
Charity donation
14.08.2024 16:32
300.00 UAH
Paul Zavorotnikov
28.07.2024 10:43
30.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.04.2024 19:51
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.04.2024 11:34
70.00 UAH
Сім'я Качур
13.03.2024 11:01
100.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

Done - reports are ready

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