Artem does not lose faith and fights
Artem does not lose faith and fights

Artem does not lose faith and fights

The project is carried by
Started: 16.03.2023
Kirovograd region
Totally raised
27500.0 UAH
Total goal
27500.00 UAH

Artem grew up as a healthy child, but everything changed overnight. Then a two-month-old boy had a brain hemorrhage, and he underwent emergency surgery. After 2 months, his condition improved, the baby was discharged from the hospital. However, 2 months later, Artem's condition worsened sharply – a hematoma was found in the boy's brain. Artem was operated on again.

The boy courageously endured this operation, but after that he had convulsions. The parents searched for a long time for a doctor who could help their son. Fortunately, a specialist was found, he prescribed an effective treatment.

At the age of 4, Aartem was diagnosed with trigonocephaly – this is an early growth of the bones of the skull. He was operated on again and drains were installed. After that, rehabilitation began. Now Artem is 6 years old, he has cerebral palsy, epiactivity and developmental delay. He does not sit, does not speak and does not walk on his own. Each rehabilitation brings its fruits, the boy's spasticity decreased, he learned to pick up toys and chew food.

"All rehabilitators assure us that there is a chance to make the child's life easier and at least partially teach him to take care of himself. Each rehabilitation is a colossal amount for us, and they are needed at least 4 times a year. We do not lose our faith and strength and fight for the slightest chance for a full life for our son," says Artem's mother.

Full name: Artem Maksymovich Lysytskyi, 22.12.2016
City: Dolynska, Kirovohrad region
Diagnosis: Spastic tetraparesis, persistent severe movement disorders. Structural therapeutically resistant epilepsy, polymorphic seizures against the background of a congenital malformation of the bones of the skull - craniostenosis, meningoencephalitis of cytomegalovirus etiology, complicated by intracranial hemorrhages. Acquired subcompensated hydrocephalus, polycystic brain
ID: 8627
Charity donation
01.04.2023 16:27
9898.00 UAH
Charity donation
01.04.2023 03:51
150.00 UAH
Charity donation
31.03.2023 20:27
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
31.03.2023 14:50
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
31.03.2023 12:46
500.00 UAH
All donors

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