See the world around you
See the world around you

See the world around you

The project is carried by
Started: 29.08.2019
Kherson region
Totally raised
25312.0 UAH
Total goal
25312.00 UAH

Kiryusha is the first child at mother, he is so expected. He wanted to see soon the world and he was born at 33 weeks with a weight of only 1130 grams. Not everything went well – after birth, Kiril spent a month and a half in the hospital, and, finally, an extract. And on the day when it was already necessary to go home, her mother learns about a new, terrible diagnosis – retinopathy of premature, 4 stages, the active phase. 

This is an extremely serious eye disease, accompanied by changes in the retina and vitreous body. The disease is dangerous, often leading to permanent loss of vision. A day later, Kiril and his mother were already in Ohmatdet. And on the same day he underwent the first eye surgery. But, alas, the operation did not give the expected result, the disease progressed. Than were monthly examinations in Kiev followed by a second operation in both eyes. Doctors did not give a single hope that the child would see. For Kiril's parents, this time was the most difficult. But they did not give up and continued to fight for the eyesight of their son. Regular exercises at home and endless rehabilitation procedures, in the end, brought the boy the results. Kiril is now fourth year, he has objective vision, when a child is able to distinguish only the shape of objects. To see better, he again needs surgery on each eye.

Despite eye problems, Kiryusha is a very active boy. Most of all he loves cars, transport and everything connected with it. He is not indifferent to music, knows many poems and already knows how to count to ten.
In his native village, of course, there is no specialized kindergarten. And the mother is engaged with him at home independently and she can’t work. His father works at the factory as a truck crane driver. The Onufrienko family no longer has the opportunity to purchase new lenses, but Kiryusha really wants to see fully. The cost of all the necessary medical products for surgery on both eyes is 25 312.00 UAH. Kiril parents ask for help to treat their son.


Name: Onufriienko Kiril, 09.11.2015

City: Myrne town, Kherson region

Diagnosis: retinopathy of prematurity stage V

ID: 5358
Алиса Сыромятникова
19.10.2019 00:51
613.68 UAH
Charity donation
18.10.2019 22:07
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.10.2019 21:04
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
18.10.2019 19:47
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.10.2019 19:33
100.00 UAH
All donors

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