Father dreams to hear from his son "dad"
Father dreams to hear from his son "dad"

Father dreams to hear from his son "dad"

Started: 14.06.2022
Poltava region
Totally raised
21600.0 UAH
Total goal
21600.00 UAH

Danylo's family has been battling autism for 5 years, and the boy has achieved a lot during this time. But for the best results, he needs constant rehabilitation, which costs a lot of money.

Danylo is 7 years old, he still doesn't speak, he doesn't understand the language well, he has a lot of stimuli, but he is a very good child.

"We do a lot, Danylko constantly visits rehabilitation centers, classes with a psychologist and speech therapist 5 days a week, and also goes swimming and sports. A lot of money is spent on all this. Now there is a war in Ukraine, and despite everything Dania's father went to defend his family. And every time he calls us, all he wants to hear is the word "dad," says Danylo's mother, Christina.

Now the boy is in dire need of treatment, so we are starting to raise money for a rehabilitation course for Dania.

Today, your contribution to Danylo is another step towards bringing the boy closer to a full life.

Full name: Skoromnyi Danylo, 21.05.2015
City: Kremenchug, Poltava region
Diagnosis: Autism
ID: 8137
Oleg Muraviov
22.06.2022 21:32
11385.60 UAH
Charity donation
22.06.2022 20:17
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.06.2022 12:49
1300.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.06.2022 12:49
150.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.06.2022 12:31
200.00 UAH
All donors

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