Fight for every breath of Alice. 2
Fight for every breath of Alice. 2

Fight for every breath of Alice. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 12.03.2020
Totally raised
16220.0 UAH
Total goal
16220.00 UAH

Alisa is an ordinary teenager. She’s 12 years old. She’s lots of fun and cheerful. She goes to school, worries about her grades, doesn’t like doing her homework and can’t wait to start her school holidays. She loves pizza and French fries. She enjoys watching films with her friends. She loves riding her bicycle and skate. She goes to the swimming pool and practices yoga. She dreams of travels and adventures. However, Alisa has to work hard to make this ordinary life real. Every single day. Regardless of her mood, plans, and feelings. At home, visiting friends or on the train. Every day Alisa spends about 4 hours on inhalation, breathing apparatus and special exercises. This is a reality of cystic fibrosis patients. 

Nobody at school or sports clubs can ever imagine this girl to be terminally ill. This part of life is invisible for most people around. Our Alisa is just like Alice Through the Looking Glass. She lives with her severe diagnoses day by day. She can manage it as long as she has the necessary drugs and equipment. Alisa just like every cystic fibrosis patient has a number of shelves. These shelves keep treasures which help Alisa to stay alive. These are inhalers (conventional and portable) and nebulizers, respiratory simulators, pulse oximeter, sterilizer, medicines, specialized nutrition, and an oxygen concentrator.

All the family is constantly working hard, so their daughter has these full shelves to fight against her insidious disease. They often need help, though. It often happens they need to change many things at the same time. Then Alisa’s parents ask kind people for help. The family opens this looking glass, so their daughter could live. They want their daughter to make people smile instead of making them feel sorry for her.

Today Alisa’s life costs 16 220 UAH. This is the price of the equipment that needs to be changed. Help Alisa make her dreams come true. Please, help her life every day, feel happy and sad just like any 12-year old girl.

Earlier at UBB, we already raised funds for Alisa. You can view the previous project by the link.


Name: Onudrieva Alisa, 20.07.2007

City: Zaporizhia

Diagnosis: cystic fibrosis with severe pancreatic insufficiency. Idiopathic rheumatoid arthritis

ID: 5917
Charity donation
13.04.2020 14:56
566.88 UAH
Charity donation
13.04.2020 09:34
407.85 UAH
Charity donation
13.04.2020 04:03
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.04.2020 22:08
101.92 UAH
Charity donation
12.04.2020 17:54
200.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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