Time is against me! 2
Time is against me! 2

Time is against me! 2

The project is carried by
Started: 02.03.2020
Kyiv region
Totally raised
232084.0 UAH
Total goal
232084.00 UAH

This story is about how a seemingly insignificant lower back pain, and low temperature were the cause of the failure of the legs of the young Oksana, mother of a 4-year-old daughter. It all started in February 2018. "Cold", thought Oksana, when he felt pain in the back, and the thermometer was a little above 37. But in the morning it became clear: it's not exactly cold. Next was the hospital, tests and medical consultations, and... numbness in the legs. However, nobody could determine the cause of this condition women.

Doctors of the regional hospitals have decided that you need to do the LP, and then – the next morning – to the Metropolitan hospital. However, Oksana decided not to wait for the morning and went to the capital immediately. Then the woman is not able to walk... Once in the Kyiv regional hospital, the woman's condition was critical so she was in intensive care. There she remained for a week, then it was the neurological Department, Institute of infectious diseases. Hromashevsky, consulting various doctors, but even then the doctors could not determine why the woman cannot walk.

But thanks to you, dear donors, Oksana was able to visit the rehabilitation center Nodus, where she finally established the diagnosis: consequences of acute infectious encephalomyelitis defeat big and the spinal cord. She is now a wheelchair user, she loses weight, she does not work bladder. Doctors now recommend the use of technology substitution, functional orthotics of the lower limbs, it will allow the mother to learn to walk again and is likely to recover bladder function.

What is technology substitution, functional orthotics of the lower limbs? In fact, this suit – "outside skeleton", which has a special attachment for legs and repeats biomechanics of the human body. It is made in the "Nodus" there and will teach them to use it. The cost of such a "suit" – 190 000 UAH. Help us again! Oksana wants to get out of the wheelchair, to pick up the daughter and together with a husband just walk around. We can fulfill this desire!


Name: Oksana Shevchenko, 22.10.1990

City: Ukrainka, Kyiv region

Diagnosis: effects of acute infectious encephalomyelitis with predominant focal lesions of seven oval centers of the brain and spinal cord in the form of encephalopathy and myelopathy, which is manifested gross motor (paresis) sensory disorders, impaired functions of pelvic organs and neuroorthopedical complications

ID: 5861
Charity donation
19.05.2020 10:24
0.25 UAH
Charity donation
19.05.2020 10:23
16.29 UAH
Charity donation
19.05.2020 10:22
257.64 UAH
Charity donation
19.05.2020 10:17
250.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.05.2020 09:41
51.01 UAH
All donors

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