Violetta's strange disease
Violetta's strange disease

Violetta's strange disease

The project is carried by
Started: 26.06.2015
Poltava region, Kremenchuk
Totally raised
30430.00 UAH
Total goal
30430.00 UAH

Up to 3 years old, Violetta was silent. Doctors advised to wait up to 6 years old. However, her mother knew something was wrong. This was followed by registration to a psychiatrist and neurologist, prescribed huge amounts of drugs that did not help, and numerous tests, which showed that the baby is healthy. But the problem remained – Violetta cannot fully speak. Her speech is so chaotic and words incomprehensible that sometimes it can only be understood through the mother-translator.

Now Violetta Shubina is 10 years old, she underwent 14 courses of treatment with different drugs, 3 course of dolphin therapy, and then the parents waited in vain for the result. For the past 7 years, Violetta has been treated for something, but from what the doctors do not know themselves. The child has speech delay. She understands, responds when spoken to, but cannot express her thoughts.

Moreover, the girl is very fond of visitors. She just screams for joy when we come over. However, being there, we cannot talk on all topics. For example, if we begin to speak about her father’s disease, she become hysterical. He has been struggling with Crohn's disease for 9 years. This a chronic inflammatory disease of the digestive tract. He underwent three operations. Every three months he must undergo treatment, otherwise terrible attacks are simply maddening to all. A single course of treatment is 30 000 - 40 000 UAH. In such difficult moments of his life, his wife cannot leave him even for a moment. She does everything possible and impossible to find the money and treat her beloved husband.

Recently she had an attack from overwork. Her husband gathered his last strength and took her to the hospital. Now it is all over, and she is again fighting for lives and health of the beloved people.

Looking at this wonderful family, we sincerely want to help them and raise money for Violetta’s examination in Israel. After all, if they find the reason for the delay of speech development, they will be able to prescribe the right treatment, which means there will be hope for a full recovery of the child.

This project was canceled, the amount collected is 30 430 UAH. The funds were disposed of in accordance with the Rules, Principles, and Procedures of the Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace (UBB) International Charitable Fund and the decisions of the Project Donors.


Name: Violetta M. Shubina, born 23/09/2004

Location: Poltava region, Kremenchuk

Diagnosis: MBD (minimal brain dysfunction), speech development delay

ID: 1589
Charity donation
26.07.2016 21:09
12.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.07.2016 12:41
100.00 UAH
28.06.2016 17:38
50.00 UAH
ЛМЛ Михневы
09.06.2016 19:50
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.06.2016 12:06
100.00 UAH
All donors

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