Help to the cardiac center
Help to the cardiac center

Help to the cardiac center

The project is carried by
Started: 13.07.2022
Totally raised
16074.0 UAH
Total goal
16074.00 UAH

The Center for Children's Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery at the Ministry of Health continues to work productively even in today's war conditions. Despite the constant threat of missile attacks, doctors help children with heart defects from all over Ukraine around the clock to the sound of sirens. The hospital hasn't stopped for a minute. And now it needs help.

The center is the only one in Ukraine, which provides surgical care to children from the first minutes of life and annually receives tens of thousands of young patients. Now there is an urgent need to buy a refrigerator for the Center's operating room. It will serve to store blood components, medicines, cooling elements and solutions. It is impossible to perform complex surgical interventions without it.

The purpose of our project is to buy the fridge in the operating room and let the doctors not to worry about storing important components and keep doing their job – saving children's lives.

Join the project!

ID: 8179
Charity donation
19.07.2022 16:59
14149.00 UAH
Charity donation
17.07.2022 00:28
124.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.07.2022 16:59
30.00 UAH
15.07.2022 21:03
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.07.2022 13:28
100.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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