Help for babies. Khmelnytskyi
Help for babies. Khmelnytskyi

Help for babies. Khmelnytskyi

The project is carried by
Started: 11.02.2022
Totally raised
47100.0 UAH
Total goal
47100.00 UAH

The war brought a lot of grief to every Ukrainian family. More than 8 million people became internally displaced, or in simple terms, people forced to leave their homes. Some fled from the hottest spots in Kyiv, Chernihiv and Zhytomyr oblasts and found refuge in Khmelnytskyi oblast. Here local authorities, residents and volunteers organized shelters and rebuilt communal facilities to rescue people. 

Khmelnitschina took in many families from bullets and rockets. Thanks to the large number of people, the load on local hospitals has increased. Now children and their parents are being cared for by hospitals on the spot. And women are giving birth in maternity hospitals in the territories where they temporarily reside. 

Our goal is to help the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at Khmelnytskyi Regional Hospital, which now has many young patients and not enough facilities to help everyone. Namely, to buy a modern pulse oximeter for prematurely born children. 

Every preterm baby is born with organs that are not yet developed and ready to function without help. This means that the lungs, heart, and digestive system must be taken care of by special medical equipment, which simply gives the child life for the time of nursing. And all indicators of life must be monitored continuously around the clock and very clearly. It is the monitoring by special means that can save the life of the little patient.

Oxygen is the most important thing that can be for life. And by its saturation, you can tell if hypoxia is coming, which can kill an infant. Oxygen saturation (saturation) is one of the most important monitors that a doctor must keep track of. To do this, doctors use a method of examination that uses pulse oximetry. It is used to assess the functions of the respiratory organs and to recognize respiratory failure, in which the saturation value becomes below 95%. 

Pulse oximeter shows the level of pulse oximeter, which is responsible for the work of the heart. This device is capable of taking measurements about 15,000 times in one night with the data stored, which allows you to trace the amount of oxygen in the blood over time. 

The data acquisition method is non-invasive (which does not require blood sampling for examination), so the pulse oximeter measures the desired values quickly, facilitating the physician's task. The advantage of pulse oximetry is that blood does not have to be drawn from the arteries for the study. Can you imagine a small pen from which blood is constantly needed for analysis?! Importantly, each pulse oximeter has flexible alarm control. The screen changes color from green to red depending on signal quality and patient condition. If trouble is near, this device will sound the alarm in an instant, giving doctors the opportunity to save a child's life in time. 

Thanks to the project, we will purchase a pulse oximeter for the neonatal intensive care unit at Khmelnitskyi regional hospital. So that every baby will have a chance to live and bring joy to his or her parents. Support the project and maybe even today this device will save the life of a future artist, philosopher or doctor.

UPD: the name and text of the project have been updated. Old project name: "Help for premature babies".

ID: 7936
Charity donation
07.04.2022 12:31
36608.41 UAH
Charity donation
07.04.2022 12:10
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
04.04.2022 17:34
203.67 UAH
Charity donation
04.04.2022 14:49
509.81 UAH
Charity donation
01.04.2022 19:21
200.00 UAH
All donors

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