Help Katyusha to live a full life!
Help Katyusha to live a full life!

Help Katyusha to live a full life!

The project is carried by
Started: 08.05.2014
Volyn region
Totally raised
48298.63 UAH
Total goal
48298.63 UAH

And this long-awaited happy moment – my little daughter was born. Tears of mirth on my eyes, deep gratitude for the daughter from my husband. But just 2 days continued our joy... On the third day of my daughters's staying in the hospital a heat lamp fell on her. The child suffered third degree burns of 20% of her body (head, back and hand). The child's condition in the first days after the burns was very heavy. Katya desperately hadn't stopped to fight for her life.


A prayer is a conversation with God, throughout the day and night... The belief that my child will get out of this trouble. Each passing day was like our victory. For the fourth month we're in the hospital, where it all happened. General Katya's condition is now stable - she's breathing and eating by herself. Everyone who sees my daughter is surprised of her patience to endure pain, despite all the suffering through which she had to go - she smiles at all, crooles.

Undergoing two operations – her hand and back healed, but the scars have formed. The main problem for us at the moment is an open wound of the head (damaged periosteum - the top layer of the bone). On Friday (04.04.2014) my daughter was operated again, the plot at the head was closed by her own skin, which was removed from her back. All are looking forward, whether this patch on the head is accepted... It's the most important thing at the moment!

In the future it will be necessary for Katusha to hold the hair plastic restoration and removal of scars. And I motherlike really want my child to feel full ... My children - this is my life!


Name: Katerina A. Shulga, born 28/12/2013

Location: Volyn region, Manevychi district, Manevychi village

Diagnosis: Burn disease

ID: 931
Charity donation
21.05.2014 20:30
22.63 UAH
Charity donation
21.05.2014 20:30
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.05.2014 20:30
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.05.2014 20:29
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.05.2014 20:29
200.00 UAH
All donors

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