Help Sofia with her treatment! 24380
Help Sofia with her treatment! 24380

Help Sofia with her treatment! 24380

The project is carried by
Started: 24.10.2023
Totally raised
43800.0 UAH
Total goal
43800.00 UAH

Sofia spent the first 40 days after her birth in the hospital. This is because the baby was diagnosed with a congenital brain defect, and later – a developmental and speech delay. The girl did not develop in the same way as her peers: when Sofia was 6 months old, she just started holding her head, at 1 year and 3 months she started to stand on her feet, and at a year and 10 months she started to crawl. In addition, the girl underwent cataract surgery. Now she regularly visits an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. The girl also needs constant rehabilitation and home therapy.

Now Sofia is 6 years old, but she still cannot sit down, run and jump on her own, does not understand everything, speaks only a few simple words and needs help. It is quite difficult for her to cope with seemingly mundane tasks, such as getting dressed or using a spoon. Nevertheless, the rehabilitation brings improvements: the girl becomes calmer and more attentive, listens better, concentrates her eyes, stands and walks more confidently.

In order to make the results even more impressive, Sofia's treatment cannot be stopped. That is why we are launching a fundraiser for a new rehabilitation course and ask you to support it with your best efforts. This way we will help the girl with her treatment.

Full name: Sofia Klochenko, 21.02.2017
City: Vinnytsia
Diagnosis: Dandy Walker syndrome with level 2 movement disorders, Antiphakia of both eyes. Ataxic syndrome
ID: 9009
Olha H
06.11.2023 10:13
1212.00 UAH
Charity donation
06.11.2023 08:41
65.00 UAH
Charity donation
05.11.2023 20:08
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
05.11.2023 18:15
400.00 UAH
Charity donation
05.11.2023 14:07
200.00 UAH
All donors

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