Help Alice after the clinical death! 3
Help Alice after the clinical death! 3

Help Alice after the clinical death! 3

The project is carried by
Started: 19.01.2018
Kherson region
Totally raised
48800.0 UAH
Total goal
48800.00 UAH

How can one moment change a lifetime? How does one careless or wrong move become a point of no return? It can not be changed, time cannot be returned. It remains only not to give up and fight for the future. The Tarasov family knows about this like no other. In September 2014, a grief happened to them: their little daughter, Alice, fell into an inflatable pool filled with water…

How can one moment change a lifetime? How does one careless or wrong move become a point of no return? It can not be changed, time cannot be returned. It remains only not to give up and fight for the future. The Tarasov family knows about this like no other. In September 2014, a grief happened to them: their little daughter, Alice, fell into an inflatable pool filled with water…

Then the father of the girl was at work, and mother was engaged in housekeeping. When the parents found the baby, she no longer breathed. Fortunately, the doctors could bring her back to life, but her body was very weak, so Alisa was in intensive care for a long time. Due to the fact that Alica for a long time was under water, she survived oxygen starvation and clinical death. Now Alisa does not go and does not sit, but the girl already moves handles and legs, sees and hears everything.

"Throughout the past year, philanthropists and caring people have been our reliable shoulder and support. With your help, vital medical devices have appeared in our house: the oxygen concentrator helps when the disease progresses and the saturation falls to a critical level, the bactericide lamp protects the girl from viruses. With the help of a tonometer, we can always explain Alisa's sluggish state. Thanks to you we did without resuscitation in the regional hospital. Thanks to all who helped and who helps!", says the girl's mom.

Now the girl needs to continue treatment: to undergo a rehabilitation course in the Center for Stimulation of the Brain. Doctors make good predictions, and we cannot lose this chance! Help Alica!



Name: Tarasova Alisa, 17.10.2012

City: Pidlisne village, Kherson region

Diagnosis: anoxic encephalopathy, severe spastic tetraparesis (V level after GMFCS), pseudobulbar syndrome, psycho-organic syndrome (chronic vegetative state) due to drowning in fresh water, condition after clinical death. Tracheostomy carrier

ID: 3719
Charity donation
11.02.2018 11:55
3398.63 UAH
Charity donation
11.02.2018 11:25
101.96 UAH
Кристина Ганчева
11.02.2018 11:25
14.00 UAH
Charity donation
11.02.2018 11:17
101.83 UAH
Андрей Киселёв
11.02.2018 10:50
30.64 UAH
All donors

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