Help Artem become independent. 2
Help Artem become independent. 2

Help Artem become independent. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 26.09.2024
Chernigiv region
Still needed
24900.00 UAH
Total goal
25000.00 UAH

When you look at today's photo of Artem, it's hard to imagine that not so long ago this guy was suffering from constant epileptic seizures. The disease ruined his life, preventing him from finding a permanent job, starting a family, and he couldn't even go far from home because it was already dangerous in his condition. Artem imagined himself as if he were locked in a cage. His life was limited to the perimeter of “home, yard, store”.

Fortunately, the doctors managed to find Artem the necessary medicines that his body needed and accepted. He has been taking anticonvulsants every day for two years now, and all this time he has not had any epileptic seizures. His condition can be called satisfactory, he feels well. He is even playing his favorite volleyball and soccer again. But his financial situation remains difficult. Artem comes from a large family. He has two more brothers and a sister. His mother raised the children alone, as his father left them many years ago. So this family does not have much money. The money that Artem manages to earn from temporary jobs is not enough to cover his living expenses and all the necessary treatment. He is good with technology, but cannot find a permanent official job.

Artem has been bullied by his peers because of his illness, but he has remained a sensitive and friendly person, open and pleasant to talk to. The guy has a chance to get rid of his disease and has already made significant progress on this path. But the lack of drugs that restrain his seizures can negate all previous achievements in treatment. Help Artem with his treatment!

Full name: Sova Artem, 02.04.1998
City: Guzhivka village, Chernihiv region
Diagnosis: Epilepsy
ID: 9704

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
26.09.2024 20:52
100.00 UAH
All donors
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