Help Kyrylko recover! 2
Help Kyrylko recover! 2

Help Kyrylko recover! 2

The project is carried by
Started: 06.06.2019
Totally raised
18600.0 UAH
Total goal
18600.00 UAH

Dear donors, you have already helped Kyrylo Ivanenko who was born in Debaltsevo in August 2014 when there were fierce battles resulting in the death of peaceful citizens. Fear and horror experienced during that time by Kyrylo’s mother, Yulia, had a negative impact on the childbirth and had catastrophic consequences for the baby. During his birth, Kyrylo came through brain oxygen deprivation that caused serious brain damages, tentorium damages. Later he was diagnosed with ataxic cerebral palsy, tetraparesis, speech delay, psychomotor retardation, and atypical autism. 

At the age of 4.5, the child does not speak, he does not have socialization skills, does not play with the age-mates, partially understands the speech addressed to him, he has disturbed attention and perception of the world around him. He is badly oriented in space and time. There are problems with coordination of movements and keeping the balance. The child needs constant rehabilitation, psychological and pedagogical correction.

Thanks to the people who are not indifferent, Kyrylo has already taken several rehabilitation courses at the Koziavkin Clinic, Raduzhnyi Center and Leprekon+ Intensive Correction Centre. The treatment gives very good results. The child gradually begins to master the object world, performs simple manipulations with objects. He begins to ask for help, accepts help and joint actions. Ma-ma, ba-ba lallation appeared after the course of bioacoustic correction. It is already possible to establish short visual contact with the child. Mother says that she is still not used to the fact that Kyrylo can look into the eyes!

Exercises with such a diagnosis give a good result under the condition of a comprehensive approach and continuity. Kyrylo needs correction of motor, speech, communication and intelligence skills. And this requires large material resources. The next rehabilitation course at the Leprekon+ Center costs UAH 18 600. Mom raises the child by herself and it is an impracticable amount for her. She asks all people who are not indifferent to help her son to overcome the disease!

Earlier at UBB, we have already raised funds for Kyrylo. View the previous project you can by the link.


Name: Ivanenko Kyrylo, 19.08.2014

City: Odessa

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy (atactic form), dystonic tetraparesis, atypical autism

ID: 5166
Charity donation
23.08.2019 11:56
4417.12 UAH
Игорь Просто
22.08.2019 10:42
339.10 UAH
Charity donation
21.08.2019 17:40
30.55 UAH
Charity donation
20.08.2019 21:24
101.83 UAH
Charity donation
20.08.2019 14:23
101.92 UAH
All donors

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