Help catch up with lost time
Help catch up with lost time

Help catch up with lost time

The project is carried by
Started: 02.10.2018
Chernivtsi region
Totally raised
30000.0 UAH
Total goal
30000.00 UAH

"You have a healthy child, eventually Nazar will learn everything, he needs more time because he is after resuscitation," doctors encouraged the young mother with a newborn baby in her arms. And before the eyes of the woman there were heavy births when midwives squeezed the stomach – her son was pushed out of the womb when her baby did not cry, because the umbilical cord three times wrapped around his neck, when the boy 11 days after birth spent under an artificial respiration apparatus, and mother prayed that Nazar survived...

"You have a healthy child, eventually Nazar will learn everything, he needs more time because he is after resuscitation," doctors encouraged the young mother with a newborn baby in her arms. And before the eyes of the woman there were heavy births when midwives squeezed the stomach – her son was pushed out of the womb when her baby did not cry, because the umbilical cord three times wrapped around his neck, when the boy 11 days after birth spent under an artificial respiration apparatus, and mother prayed that Nazar survived...

God heard the prayers of a woman, they were discharged home. The boy was very weak, almost did not eat, the doctors found him with severe asphyxia, a convulsive syndrome in the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhage in the adrenal glands, and associated pneumonia. Despite this, the doctors assumed that Nazar would still be a full-fledged boy. Meanwhile, he did not sit, did not crawl, and did not turn over and did not keep his head on his own.

When Nazarchik turned a year old, my mother decided to go to another doctor, and his words startled: a baby has cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis delayed mental and speech development, pseudobulbar syndrome. How?.. But before the doctors assured that Nazar – healthy, you only need time... In fact, the precious time was lost, and it was necessary to urgently begin treatment of the boy.

Now Nazar is 3 years old, and he has many rehabilitations in Ukraine, 1 in China, medication, daily gymnastics at home. And all for the sake of one – that Nazar was healthy. Doctors advise not to stop and continue in the same spirit, after all, the rehabilitation of the trash is done every 3 months.

Therefore, we ask everyone to join the fund-raising for our project to send Nazar to the rehabilitation center "Priorytet". Help us catch up with the lost time!


Name: Dumanskyi Nazar, 14.05.2015

City: Dolynianu village, Chernivtsi region

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, dyskinetic form, delay of psycho-speech development

ID: 4490
Charity donation
14.11.2018 02:39
538.24 UAH
Charity donation
13.11.2018 23:19
51.01 UAH
Charity donation
13.11.2018 23:11
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
13.11.2018 22:57
30.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.11.2018 21:56
51.01 UAH
All donors

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