Help restore the lost health of the defenders
Help restore the lost health of the defenders

Help restore the lost health of the defenders

Started: 27.02.2024
Still needed
483242.00 UAH
Total goal
500000.00 UAH
05.09.2024 09:24
Зміна тексту
Valeriia ICF "Center of social projects of the future"
Шановні донори, ми оновили текст проєкту й актуалізували деяку інформацію. Ціль збору залишається незмінною - реабілітаційне обладнання для Вінницької лікарні ім. Ющенка, а саме апарат пасивної реабілітації плеча.
04.09.2024 16:09
Changing the text ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! At the request of the Help Operator, the text of the project were changed, to update information as part of a collection that takes place over time. Letter from the Operator of help is in the "Reports …
30.08.2024 09:36
Reduction of the fee amount
Valeriia ICF "Center of social projects of the future"
Congratulations! As part of this project, we have reduced the amount of the collection from UAH 900,000.00 to UAH 500,000.00. Instead of two items of medical equipment, we will purchase only one, namely a passive s…
29.08.2024 16:27
Reduced project sum ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! At the request of the Operator for help, the amount of the project was reduced, since the fundraising is taking place over a long period of time, only a passive shoulder rehabilitation device is requir…
27.02.2024 10:19
Start of the project.

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
17.03.2025 20:46
100.00 UAH
Уляна Бичишин
13.03.2025 13:01
15.00 UAH
Уляна Бичишин
22.02.2025 12:24
15.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.02.2025 19:45
180.00 UAH
Paul Zavorotnikov
08.02.2025 11:44
30.00 UAH
All donors
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