Help Goldilocks. 2
Help Goldilocks. 2

Help Goldilocks. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 23.12.2019
Kyiv region
Totally raised
31000.0 UAH
Total goal
31000.00 UAH

Zlata is a small beauty who, having been born half dead and not dying, still managed to survive. The girl did not breathe, did not scream, she could only hear how her heart was beating desperately. She so wanted to live... And she survived! Nothing, that now in her medical extract there are a number of diagnoses, however Zlata lives!..

Zlata is a small beauty who, having been born half dead and not dying, still managed to survive. The girl did not breathe, did not scream, she could only hear how her heart was beating desperately. She so wanted to live... And she survived! Nothing, that now in her medical extract there are a number of diagnoses, however Zlata lives!..

After birth, the girl experienced hypoxic-ischemic damage to the central nervous system, cerebral edema, and cerebral hemorrhage. Therefore, the girl was forced to spend the first year of her life in hospitals. And then cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, symptomatic epilepsy, pseudobulbar syndrome, and delayed psychomotor development were added to the diagnosis of the beauty.

The girl began to be treated. However, there was something that prevented fixing the results of treatment – colds. They hurt a girl every time after the end of rehabilitation. Therefore, my daughter and I were engaged mainly at home. But a new blow interferes with continuing to do this – Zlata’s mother discovered oncology. Mammary cancer...
While the girl’s mother is undergoing chemotherapy after cancer surgery, little Zlata still doesn’t sit, walk or talk, and we are starting a training camp to help this family and send Goldilocks for a new rehabilitation.

Support us! Help Zlata, she really needs us!


Name: Shulygina Zlata, 17.10.2014

City: Boiarka, Kyiv region

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, symptomatic multifocal epilepsy, infantile cramps, pseudobulbar syndrome, delayed psychomotor development

ID: 5719
Charity donation
29.12.2019 17:46
3513.26 UAH
Charity donation
29.12.2019 17:39
203.67 UAH
Charity donation
29.12.2019 16:52
200.00 UAH
сім'я Українець
29.12.2019 15:20
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
29.12.2019 14:40
203.92 UAH
All donors

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