Access to education even in a hospital
Access to education even in a hospital

Access to education even in a hospital

The project is carried by
Started: 24.11.2020
Totally raised
83506.0 UAH
Total goal
83506.00 UAH

Our goal is to protect the children’right  to education. Every child who is admitted to the hospital should study and prepare to return to their normal life outside the wards.

In Ukraine, 15 000 children are hospitalized annually for more than 30 days. And even more children are undergoing shorter treatment. And there is a certain category of children who stays in the hospital for a year or more – oncological diseases, patients on dialysis, HIV/AIDS. Therefore, they miss school  lessons and, as a result, lag behind the school curriculum and their classmates. For children, the absence of a curriculum means a forced exit from the educational process and social life, which negatively affects their psychological state, the speed of recovery. The distraction from medical procedures helps to recover faster.

In Ukraine, there is no state program to provide education to children in hospital. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that the organization of distance education is problematic even for children who study normally. A number of problems arise in the hospital: changing the daily routine and experiencing stress due to being in a hospital, the lack of textbooks, access to the Internet, limited communication.

No one knows for sure whether his child will be treated on the hospital or not. And if life has already thrown a child into the hospital, then his childhood doesn’t stop there. The child must continue to learn, play, develop, communicate. And this is where a visit to the Superheroes School will help him.

“As soon as I was diagnosed, I realized that I would have to leave school. I wasn't ready. I was operated  at the Institute of Neurosurgery, I could only hear the crying of children. In the hospital, everyone thinks only about the disease. Then I came to Okhmatdyt for radiation and chemotherapy. The rehabilitation therapists told me about the Superheroes School, and I signed up right away. I remember my first lesson. It was Monday, mathematics with Elena Lvovna. I still use her useful lifehacks”,  Polina, 9 grade.

ID: 6644
Charity donation
30.05.2021 08:07
13061.22 UAH
Charity donation
27.05.2021 19:37
30.55 UAH
Сергей Выговский
24.05.2021 09:55
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.05.2021 01:28
51.01 UAH
Charity donation
20.05.2021 22:03
30.57 UAH
All donors

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