Twins struggle with a common illness
Twins struggle with a common illness

Twins struggle with a common illness

The project is carried by
Started: 19.08.2022
Totally raised
44000.0 UAH
Total goal
44000.00 UAH

These wonderful twins  Valeria and Denis – both have cerebral palsy. First, the disease was discovered in the boy, and after 2 months in his sister. For 11 years now, cerebral palsy has been their common disease, and they have been fighting it side by side.

The treatment of this diagnosis in children began with an operation to reduce spasticity on the legs, then hard systematic work with rehabilitation specialists and at home. Thanks to tireless work and a thirst for a healthy life, the children were able to go to kindergarten, and later to school. Proper treatment brought excellent results. Denis overcame the fear of heights, learned to climb the Swedish wall and overcome small distances on his own, and Lera began to keep her balance while walking.

However, due to the war, treatment and any activities for the children had to be postponed – the main thing was to leave for a safe place, because every time it was extremely difficult to go down to the shelter with two children with disabilities. So several months passed without the necessary rehabilitation, and the condition of the twins deteriorated significantly – unfortunately, both of them had an increase in spasticity. Now the mother and children have returned to Kyiv, but the health problems of Denis and Lera have not disappeared. Brother and sister really need a new course of rehabilitation, help them!

Full name: Sviatkivskyi Denys and Valeriia, 07.09.2010, 07.09.2010
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia
ID: 8236
Charity donation
07.09.2022 13:28
0.09 UAH
Charity donation
07.09.2022 13:26
4556.00 UAH
Юлия Добро
07.09.2022 12:05
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.09.2022 11:41
50.00 UAH
Luckfart Янютін
07.09.2022 10:56
192.91 UAH
All donors

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