ELEKS: Good deeds save the lives of children
ELEKS: Good deeds save the lives of children

ELEKS: Good deeds save the lives of children

The project is carried by
Started: 20.07.2021
Totally raised
329578.0 UAH
Total goal
329578.00 UAH

The goal of the project "ELEKS: Good deeds save children's lives" ("ELEKS: Good deeds save children's lives") is to raise funds for the purchase of a naso-pharyngo-laryngoscope and a set of instruments for microsurgery of the larynx. On January 25, 2022, the hospital received the rhino-laryngo-fibroscope itself and the first part of additional equipment (needle holder, knives, forceps, etc.), the second part of additional equipment (surgical laryngoscope for babies, forceps and scissors) was handed over on May 31, 2022.

Summary cost table
Costs Sum (UAH)
Medical equipment 329578.00
Total project costs 329578.00
Remnant 0.00
Total 329578.00
Charity donation
17.11.2021 15:52
53171.90 UAH
Charity donation
14.11.2021 12:04
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.11.2021 02:56
100.00 UAH
Roman Rybalchenko
07.11.2021 20:08
200.00 UAH
Володимир Мельник
24.10.2021 11:45
250.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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