Ambulance paramedic needs cancer medication. 2
Ambulance paramedic needs cancer medication. 2

Ambulance paramedic needs cancer medication. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 19.03.2021
Vinnitsa region
Totally raised
21598.0 UAH
Total goal
21598.00 UAH
29.04.2021 12:37
project implementation
Vladyslav CF "Hope and Believe"
Transferred to 2 packs of Xgeva for the treatment of Kozlovskyi Viktor.  Friends, thank you for supporting the project!
23.03.2021 16:17
increase in the amount of the project
Vladyslav CF "Hope and Believe"
Good day. To continue treatment, Kozlovsky V.V. needs the drug Xgeva solution for injections 70 mg / ml vial 1.7 ml 120 mg in the quantity of 1.00 pack worth 10799.00 UAH. In this regard, the total amount of the p…
23.03.2021 15:52
Доброго дня, друзі. За проханням ОД суму збільшено. Детальна інформація в розділі "звіти та документи". Дякуємо за підтримку.
19.03.2021 15:42
Start of the project.
Charity donation
10.04.2021 22:42
600.48 UAH
Charity donation
10.04.2021 21:58
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.04.2021 21:20
700.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.04.2021 14:57
25.46 UAH
Charity donation
10.04.2021 13:28
200.00 UAH
All donors

Done - reports are ready,
the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

Done - reports are ready

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