I want to be healthy! 3
I want to be healthy! 3

I want to be healthy! 3

The project is carried by
Started: 27.03.2017
Totally raised
36540.0 UAH
Total goal
36540.00 UAH

We already applied to you for help. But we have to ask for help again... Nastia is three years old. She doesn’t know what does it mean to run through the puddles, play toys, walk. Happy childhood moments isn’t her story....

We already applied to you for help. But we have to ask for help again... Nastia is three years old. She doesn’t know what does it mean to run through the puddles, play toys, walk. Happy childhood moments isn’t her story....

Nastia was born very hard and as a result – a terrible diagnosis... Cerebral palsy, double hemiplegia, delayed mental and speech development – a diagnosis with which we have been living for three years already.

She does not keep her head, she’s not sitting, not talking, not playing with toys. We went for treatment in Truskavets International Rehabilitation Clinic on the methodology of Professor Koziavkin. Treatment yielded results. This girl's childhood is a struggle... But we are confident Nastia has the right, like all kids for the bright childhood in all its manifestations. We found a clinic in Kiev Center of brain stimulation in which we want to go for treatment for better results.

In order to go to treatment, we need UAH 32 000. Without financial support, we can not cope with the disease, we will lose positive trend, which we obtained thanks to previous treatment. It is so sad that the improvement of Anastasia depends not on parental care, diligence, not from maternal love and dedication, but of money. And I believe then all should be well.



Name: Yermolyeva Anastasia, 18 January 2013

City: Kiev

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, double hemiplegia

ID: 2975
13.04.2017 17:14
0.90 UAH
Charity donation
13.04.2017 17:07
2088.00 UAH
Сергій та Марина Білик
13.04.2017 16:29
101.92 UAH
Charity donation
13.04.2017 15:14
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.04.2017 15:12
50.00 UAH
All donors

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