I want to catch up with you! 2
I want to catch up with you! 2

I want to catch up with you! 2

The project is carried by
Started: 31.07.2023
Kyiv region
Totally raised
45000.0 UAH
Total goal
45000.00 UAH

The photo shows little Anna, she is 7 years old. She and her brother were born at 29 weeks, both of them were in a serious condition, and Anna suffered from oxygen starvation. Then there was OKHMATDYT and a month and a half of treatment. Fortunately, the children were discharged home and began to grow up. However, Anna did not develop like her brother – the girl always wanted to catch up with him. Unfortunately, Anna was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and later with symptomatic epilepsy. They began to fight cerebral palsy through rehabilitation, and epilepsy – with medication, now the girl is in remission.

This courageous girl has gone through so much: epileptic seizures, pain, inability to do what other children can do, complex neurosurgery along the spine that removed spasticity in her body. And still she continues to fight and does not stop treatment and rehabilitation - all for the sake of a happy childhood without pain.

Now the girl has begun to concentrate her eyes more, her back has strengthened. We can't stop now, we need to move on and repeat the rehabilitation. That is why we are launching a new fundraiser to help Anechka get back to the rehabilitation center for treatment. Please support her in this!

Full name: Anna Dronik, 26.03.2013
City: Brovary, Kyiv region
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis. Statokinetic and psycholinguistic development delay. Motor alalia. Symptomatic epilepsy with focal seizures
ID: 8898
Charity donation
09.09.2023 22:02
6200.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.09.2023 14:16
176.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.09.2023 22:59
7000.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.09.2023 00:08
1000.00 UAH
Charlie Chaplin
07.09.2023 18:47
30.00 UAH
All donors

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