I want to smile again. 2
I want to smile again. 2

I want to smile again. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 29.12.2022
Totally raised
44000.0 UAH
Total goal
44000.00 UAH

Over the past 5 months, Maksym Vatag has grown a lot, and spasticity has also increased with it. Let us remind you that the boy has been sick since birth, he has cerebral palsy, delayed speech and physical development, and convulsive syndrome. However, Maxim could not get the treatment and anticonvulsant drugs he needed because of the war – she met the boy's family at home, in a village in the Kherson region. This family survived all the horrors of war and occupation.

Mom had never seen her son as scared as he was then. Little Maxim's legs began to shake from fear. Then it was decided to go to the Ukrainian checkpoints, now the family is safe, they moved to Kyiv. And already here, in the capital, thanks to your support, the boy was able to undergo the long-awaited rehabilitation.

"Our boy enjoyed attending correctional teacher, speech therapist, classes on sensory integration, massage, oxy-therapy, physical therapy. We were also able to obtain the advice of a neurologist and an epileptologist in order to correctly select the dose of the anticonvulsant drug. Our rehabilitation is our small step forward. So we are infinitely grateful to everyone who joined the gathering and walks with us," says Maksym's mother.

During the time spent in classes, Maksym began to concentrate better and stand near the support, he became calmer. The boy is moving step by step to improve his condition, but he himself cannot cope. Join the fundraiser to pay for a new rehabilitation course for Maksym, he really needs it!

Full name: Vatah Maxym, 18.05.2015
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis G80, delayed speech, and physical development
ID: 8472
Charity donation
30.12.2022 10:27
8000.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2022 10:26
15000.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2022 10:23
15000.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2022 08:13
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2022 06:44
100.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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