I must live for my children! Stage 2
I must live for my children! Stage 2

I must live for my children! Stage 2

Started: 07.06.2016
Totally raised
19544.0 UAH
Total goal
19544.00 UAH

Kind people! I am shouting from pain and loneliness because of horrible disease - cancer... It is scary to live with such awful disease. I was young and happy mother… but not now. I have two children and I understand that I need to struggle but it is so hard, I can't express this in words really... I ask for your help and support!

I feel awful because of the thoughts that I will not see the prompt of my son and really I will not hold hand of my little daughter when she goes to the first class…
I will not be able to hug them and just give calmness...

Pain tears my soul for my children and really I struggle but I will not be able to live without your help. I will not be able to pay for my cure.

Now I have course of chemotherapy and I am really lack of money… one drop counter costs 6000 UAH... but I need to have them around 6 ones…I hope for help to collect money on first step of treatment… Doctors give me hope for life after the operation that costs 30 000 grivnas… It is really very big amount of money for me and I have to ask for help in people...

It is really very big amount of money for me and I have to ask for help in people... When you face the disease then you understand that no yachts, cars, houses can be higher than health and happy laugh of your children...

I am waited for the job, my working place is waiting for me but if I don't get cure now, I will not need anything then... I am very scared but for my children I am ready to pass everything. I will be really thankful to all indifferent people who will pay attention to my asking for help...

I beg you, please, give me chance for normal living and for my children to feel love from their mother!


Name: Victoria Stakhov, 21 December 1977

City: Odesa

Diagnosis: Breast carcinoma

ID: 2301
Charity donation
26.07.2016 18:17
1445.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.07.2016 17:37
5.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.07.2016 17:04
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.07.2016 16:31
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.07.2016 16:25
55.00 UAH
All donors

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