If it were not for one "if". 2
If it were not for one "if". 2

If it were not for one "if". 2

The project is carried by
Started: 27.09.2018
Totally raised
49900.0 UAH
Total goal
49900.00 UAH

Zhenia's life was hanging by a thread. The birth was very difficult, the doctors until the last did not make a decision about the need for cesarean, and therefore the resuscitation measures also dragged out in time... After birth, the boy did not cry, he was taken to the intensive care unit and connected to the ventilator (mechanical ventilation). Birth trauma entailed 3 resuscitation, so the first 3 months of his life, Zhenia spent in the hospital.

Zhenia's life was hanging by a thread. The birth was very difficult, the doctors until the last did not make a decision about the need for cesarean, and therefore the resuscitation measures also dragged out in time... After birth, the boy did not cry, he was taken to the intensive care unit and connected to the ventilator (mechanical ventilation). Birth trauma entailed 3 resuscitation, so the first 3 months of his life, Zhenia spent in the hospital.

Now the boy is 2 years old, and the list of his diagnoses is impressive: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis with persistent motor disorders, marked retardation of psycho-speech development, secondary microcephaly, symptomatic epilepsy, polymorphic and secondary generalized seizures.

During this time, the boy and his parents went through a thorny path of treatment and rehabilitation to reach the state in which Zhenia is now. After the last course of treatment, the boy returned with positive dynamics: his sleep normalized, spasticity decreased, he began to be interested in the outside world. The boy also improved control of the head, his legs became more mobile and flexible, Zhenia learned to turn his head and keep it centered on his own for 15-18 seconds.

These are serious results, but this is not yet a finale, the boy has a lot of work ahead of him. The next step is a new course of treatment in the "Priority" center. Support Zhenia again! Help correct the injustice that forever changed the childhood of the cotton. Let's make his future happy and healthy!


Name: Polischuk Evgen, 24.06.2016

City: Kiev

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis with persistent motor impairment, pronounced retardation of psycho-speech development, secondary microcephaly, symptomatic epilepsy, polymorphic and generalized seizures, resistant to anticonvulsant therapy

ID: 4474
Сергей Гайдай
01.11.2018 09:17
14321.42 UAH
Charity donation
01.11.2018 08:44
50.00 UAH
Іван Василиків
01.11.2018 07:22
10.18 UAH
Charity donation
01.11.2018 07:08
100.00 UAH
Андрей К.
01.11.2018 03:08
50.92 UAH
All donors

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