We're going to win in spite of all the diagnoses
We're going to win in spite of all the diagnoses

We're going to win in spite of all the diagnoses

The project is carried by
Started: 06.06.2017
Totally raised
48000.0 UAH
Total goal
48000.00 UAH

An amount of UAH 76,000 is needed for the rehabilitation of 4-year Pavlo. It would allow beating his diagnosis: ICP, spastic paraparesis, consequences of hypoxic-ischemic CNS injury, second-degree internal hydrocephalus, fifth-degree retinopathy of prematurity (after surgery).

Pavlo, a long-expected son of his loving parents, was born on 8 August 2012. But premature delivery on the 31st week led to a severe state of the newborn – he couldn’t breathe on his own. From the very first minute of his life, this 40-centimiter little boy weighing only 1,520 g started the fight for his life: just in his first year, he stayed in in-patient departments of 3 children’s hospitals 9 times, had to go through post-surgery complications – glaucoma on his left eye, hemorrhage in his left eye.

When the boy was 9 months old, doctors diagnosed him with fifth-degree retinopathy with the 3rd surgery needed, at the age of one year – infantile cerebral paralysis (ICP). But Pavlo’s parents do not give up and fight for every new step of their little son. As of today, they took two rehabilitation courses in Kozyavkin Rehabilitation Center (Truskavets), and one rehabilitation course in APIS MELLIFICA Center (Khmelnytskyi). The results are quite impressive: the boy has learned to sit on his own, to stand straight and walk along a stand, he said his first words, can show his hands and other parts of the body. He understands everything, is very capable, he loves listening to music and swinging. The boy’s brain is preserved and he can learn a lot of things!

The goal of the Bogdan family is beating all the diagnoses so that their son can see and walk. Rehabilitation courses once every two months would give them a chance in this fight for his future. Pavlo now needs to start his next course, which costs UAH 76,000, but his parents’ financial resources are depleted. Their only hope is your kind hearts. Please do not stay aside and help this handsome blond boy conquer new peaks and make new successes in his development!


Name: Bogdan Pavlo, 08.08.2012

City: Zaporizhia

Diagnosis: operated on retinopathy of prematurity (5 st), corneal opacity of the left eye, cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis

ID: 3132
Charity donation
21.05.2018 00:01
3065.67 UAH
Charity donation
19.05.2018 21:30
51.01 UAH
Charity donation
18.05.2018 17:40
132.38 UAH
Charity donation
18.05.2018 16:07
305.88 UAH
Charity donation
18.05.2018 09:50
185.00 UAH
All donors

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