Kharkiv. Food for the elderly during the war
Kharkiv. Food for the elderly during the war

Kharkiv. Food for the elderly during the war

The project is carried by
Started: 27.04.2022
Totally raised
100000.0 UAH
Total goal
100000.00 UAH

As before the war, our organization continues to take care primarily of those people who due to old age or serious illness can not take care of themselves. Our wards are lonely old women and men who can't go to the shops, can't stand in line for humanitarian aid, they even hardly move around in their own homes, and some of them are bedridden for many years.

The war only worsened the already extremely difficult situation of these people. Our task is to do everything possible so that single grandparents do not die of starvation. We are now raising funds for basic food kits that will allow 1-2 single people (grandparents or an elderly couple) to eat for 3 weeks.

The estimated cost of 1 such set is UAH 800. Each set will consist of: 3 kg of pasta, 2 packages of rice, 2 packages of cereals (wheat, barley or bulgur), 1 package of sugar, 1 bottle of oil, 2 jars of stew, 2 canned fish, 2 pates, 1 package of tea and sweets (cookies, chocolate, or waffles). All products are long-term storage, so we will be sure that even if the military situation worsens, people will be able to support themselves with food.

The amount we plan to collect is UAH 100,000, as we currently have 125 extremely important requests for assistance. Each of the 125 sets will be delivered to the home by employees and volunteers of our organization and handed over personally to the needy.

For many of our old wards, getting food is a matter of life and death, so we ask everyone who cares to join our gathering and provide them with food together!

ID: 8076
Charity donation
18.09.2022 23:21
5470.73 UAH
Charity donation
18.09.2022 18:06
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.09.2022 17:31
2000.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.09.2022 00:28
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
17.09.2022 18:25
200.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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