

The project is carried by
Started: 13.10.2017
Totally raised
50000.0 UAH
Total goal
50000.00 UAH

"I am a single mom of two little warriors! A great ability to breathe independently – it’s our victory! Being able to eat – is another victory! Eating with a spoon – is a victory too! The most important things are still ahead – the first steps, the first dance…We were looking forward to our boys, so they came to this world prematurely – at 6,5 months. Our first son – Nikita weighed 800 grams and the second David – 1100 grams.

Our little boys couldn’t breathe but were taken to the intensive care unit only a week later because nobody really hoped they would survive. We were devastated. We sold out most things in our house – leaving just a beautiful room with two beds for our sweet boys. We consulted all sort of experts in our region and then our boys were diagnosed with cerebral palsy at one year and 3 months. Our world seemed to collapse.

In 2015 our dad left us but it didn’t stop our journey to the victory. We have achieved a lot: Nikita can sit, eat, stand and walk with some support. David hasn’t been really active yet but the doctors think he is promising and will soon follow his brother’s progress. I am currently raising the money for rehabilitation in the Tomatis center in Kharkiv. This center gives us hope to start a new life! Please, support my biggest dream of seeing my sons healthy! God bless you!".


Name: Burlai David, Burlai Nikita, 26.09.2013

City: Zaporizhia

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, lower spastic paraparesis, double hemiplegia

ID: 3456
Charity donation
22.01.2018 03:20
0.08 UAH
22.01.2018 01:35
23583.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.01.2018 13:59
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.01.2018 16:23
100.00 UAH
Олена Balko
14.01.2018 12:41
30.57 UAH
All donors

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