I want to read my favorite books myself! 3
I want to read my favorite books myself! 3

I want to read my favorite books myself! 3

The project is carried by
Started: 15.11.2023
Totally raised
46000.0 UAH
Total goal
46000.00 UAH
25.07.2024 12:18
The project has been implemented
dobro.ua dobro.ua ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! We are pleased to announce that this project has been successfully implemented. A detailed report can be found in the "Reports and documents" section. Thanks to everyone who supports us!
08.07.2024 18:43
Хочу сам читати улюблені книги! 3
Виктория Чередниченко CO CF "KYIAN"
Хочу сам читати улюблені книги! 3
  Дякую від щирого серця БФ "Киян" та dobro.ua за збір коштів на реабілітацію синочка Марка! Наша сім’я вдячна кожному небайдужому хто долучився до збору коштів, кожному хто прийшов на допомогу, таку своєчасну і та…
15.11.2023 16:28
Start of the project.
Charity donation
06.06.2024 14:38
1889.25 UAH
Olha H
06.06.2024 11:10
110.75 UAH
Volodymyr Bondarenko
05.06.2024 16:02
2000.00 UAH
Charity donation
31.05.2024 21:43
3000.00 UAH
Charity donation
31.05.2024 13:19
200.00 UAH
All donors

Done - reports are ready,
the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

Done - reports are ready

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