Walk without pain! 2
Walk without pain! 2

Walk without pain! 2

The project is carried by
Started: 14.04.2021
Totally raised
14000.0 UAH
Total goal
14000.00 UAH

Only the dearest people know how hard it is for Maxim to take every step. All his life the boy has been struggling with the diagnosis of cerebral palsy, breaking his freedom of movement free from the clutches of the disease.

Two years ago, Maxim had a serious problem: his knee joints began to bend back. It was unbearably painful to stand and walk. A complex operation was carried out at Tournev’s Institute, after which it was necessary to wear a special plaster complex on the legs within a year. But it's already been two, and the knee joints are still not stable. Therefore, Maxim continues to carry one and a half kilograms of excess weight on each leg. In these devices, the boy moves around the classrooms of the school, is engaged in physiotherapy exercises and learns to walk.

For the growth of muscle mass and strengthening of the joints, as well as for the consolidation of the result of the operation, intensive training is required. Maxim's day is clock-bound. In the morning – school, then a sports section in the pool and classes with a rehabilitation therapist, and in the evening – a treadmill at home. Physiotherapy at home will be effective only in combination with classes in specialized centers.

A trip to the Krok za Krokom center is planned for the end of May. Maxim is looking forward to it, as this is always the next step towards the cherished goal - to walk. But the financial expenses of a family with a child with special needs are incommensurate with their income. 

Support the boy, and then he will definitely have a chance to learn to walk!

On dobro.ua, we collect part of the amount – 14,000 UAH.

Full name: Fitiskin Maxim, 08.02.2008
City: Zaporizhia
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia
ID: 7012
Charity donation
12.05.2021 23:23
6590.64 UAH
Serhii Vaskovets
12.05.2021 22:41
14.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.05.2021 22:38
203.92 UAH
Дмитро і Анастасія Антонченко
12.05.2021 22:32
127.29 UAH
Charity donation
12.05.2021 22:25
101.96 UAH
All donors

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