Illness can take away Sofia's health. 2
Illness can take away Sofia's health. 2

Illness can take away Sofia's health. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 30.06.2021
Totally raised
33000.0 UAH
Total goal
33000.00 UAH

Sofia's life began with resuscitation : the girl was born 3 months earlier, underwent eye surgery, and on the 4th day she had a cerebral hemorrhage. The girl spent 2 and a half months in the hospital, and finally she was discharged home. From that day on, the daily work for a healthy childhood began, because the girl was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

At first there were massages and physical education, which did not change much in the girl's condition. And then there were consultations with specialists and rehabilitation, which brought the first results: Sofia began to hold her head on her own, turn over and take objects in her hands. Subsequently, the girl became stronger, began to understand the speech addressed more, to express her emotions better, to play more with educational toys. She had new words, Sofia became a more active girl.

This is all thanks to the systematic rehabilitation and homework, now we can talk about such success of the girl. However, it is impossible to stop treatment because of the risk of losing all acquired skills, and there is no money for the next rehabilitation in the family. Therefore, we are again starting fundraising for a new rehabilitation course for Sofia and we believe that she will soon be able to walk on her own. Don't let the disease take this opportunity away from her!

Full name: Salgin Sofia, 21.10.2019
City: Kherson
Diagnosis: сonsequences of hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the CNS. G93. Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis. G80.0, GMFCS Level III Motor Disorders. Hip dysplasia. Lactose intolerance
ID: 7245
Charity donation
29.07.2021 15:45
566.05 UAH
29.07.2021 14:23
263.75 UAH
Charity donation
29.07.2021 12:41
203.92 UAH
Charity donation
29.07.2021 09:59
1019.61 UAH
Charity donation
29.07.2021 09:25
500.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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