The constructor of the full life of Artem. 2
The constructor of the full life of Artem. 2

The constructor of the full life of Artem. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 24.12.2021
Totally raised
882181.0 UAH
Total goal
882181.00 UAH

Artem Volynets was born with a rare abnormal development of the left leg. Over time, as the boy grew up, the pathology worsened, the joints and blood vessels were deformed, the difference in the length of the legs increased. Three years ago, thanks to thousands of donors, we helped him undergo an operation to treat hip dysplasia in Germany. In total, the boy had four operations. He bravely endured long hours of hip joint formation, the installation of an internal implant, and rehabilitation. After the operation, Artem wore an orthosis that supported the joint and made it possible to walk. 

Now Artem is 10 years old. He is studying in the 4th grade of the Kiev school.

In 2020, the boy needed to come to Germany for one more last surgery to lengthen the leg and replace the internal implant. The doctors' predictions were very promising. Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic, the closure of the borders was unable to get to the clinic in time and receive the planned treatment.

Precious time was lost, no miracle happened. The leg grew, the implant and the orthosis did not allow the tissues to stretch. The knee joint began to twist in the opposite direction and the whole leg was deformed even more. The orthosis broke from the stress. But it was not possible to fix it in Ukraine either, because specialized workshops were closed for lockdowns. All this together destroyed the bright prospects.

In the summer of 2021, when they managed to go to Germany for a consultation, the doctors made a disappointing conclusion: unfortunately, lengthening the leg is no longer possible. The only thing that doctors offer, so that Artem can walk at all, is to amputate the leg and pull out the implant as soon as possible.

After the operation Artem will have two prostheses. The first one is for the period of rehabilitation, and the second is the so-called "smart prosthesis", which allows him to walk and to improve the quality of  life.

An operation and a prosthesis cost 56 thousand euros. At we plan to collect 882 181 UAH for the manufacture and installation of a prosthesis for Artem.

Full name: Volynets Artem, 21.01.2011
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: Proximal femoral defect type 4, condition after complex surgical treatment
ID: 7783
Charity donation
27.01.2022 17:05
106999.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.01.2022 16:17
600.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.01.2022 14:40
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.01.2022 21:48
33.00 UAH
Charity donation
25.01.2022 15:41
300.00 UAH
All donors

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