Cry from the Heart
Cry from the Heart

Cry from the Heart

The project is carried by
Started: 25.02.2014
Cherkasy reg
Totally raised
30140.0 UAH
Total goal
30140.00 UAH

Iryna can no longer laugh, cry and even walk. However, this little girl’s health and smile can return. Iryna needs one more surgery to recover. In order to perform it special expensive micro materials are required. There are no such materials at the hospital, so the parents have to buy them. The price of the medical materials for the operation is 30 140 UAH.

Little Iryna was operated on. The parents hoped it was the end of the race for their child’s health. The girl has an inborn defect, that is extending of blood vessels into the brain. The first operation allowed partial solving of the problem but the girl needed the second stage of surgical treatment.

The girls’ family comes from a small village in the Cherkasy Oblast. The mother is a housewife who takes care of her daughter; the father is a driver of the local agricultural farm. When the issue of the first operation arose, the whole village and its surroundings was raising funds for several months. Now Iryna doesn’t have so much time. The parents ask all people who are not indifferent to help her.

The family was waiting 5 years for their daughter’s birth. When the mother got pregnant, everybody was happy. The pregnancy and the birth went well and there were no symptoms or hints of the girl’s disease. After a while the parents got worried because something was wrong with the child. The examination detected that the girl had a congenital defect of cerebral vessels which caused hydrocephalus. To put it simple, instead of one vessel there were ten of them. It affected not only blood circulation but also providing oxygen to the brain. Too many vessels filled with blood put pressure on the ventricles of the brain which causes hydrocephalus and high pressure in the head. The girl was operated on and “unnecessary” vessels were pasted. It took a while to recover and the patient was sent home. During this time it was as if Iryna were born again: she learned to keep her head, to sit, to move her legs and arms. But Iryna doesn’t laugh, doesn’t cry and doesn’t walk independently.

Now it’s time for the second stage of treatment. The doctors plan to solve the defect of the “main” vessels. It will not only provide a natural blood circulation in the brain but also eliminate hydrocephalus. To perform such an operation special surgical materials the price of which is more than 30 000 UAH have to be purchased urgently. Iryna’s parents don’t have such an amount of money and they cannot collect it quickly. The parents of the girl ask all good people to help!

Name: Petko Iryna Anatoliivna, 2 years old

City: village Kovalivka, Drabiv raion, Cherkasy oblast

Diagnosis: alveolar malformation of Galen vein

ID: 871
13.03.2014 10:12
2866.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.03.2014 10:02
9.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.03.2014 09:08
30.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.03.2014 08:40
30.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.03.2014 01:08
50.00 UAH
All donors

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