Through tears to victory! 5
Through tears to victory! 5

Through tears to victory! 5

The project is carried by
Started: 27.04.2021
Odessa region
Totally raised
44090.0 UAH
Total goal
44090.00 UAH

The family of Kirill Titov is again seeking help from Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace donators. The boy was born well ahead of schedule. The grave consequences of premature birth affected the development of the baby: doctors did not give him a chance for a full-quality life. When he was one year old, Kirill did not hold his head, did not walk or crawl, did not sit and did not turn over. And only his mother did not agree with the prediction of the doctors. She was straining her son to her heart and believed in a miracle through the pain of hopelessness.

From the very birth, Kirill began to fight his illness. He is a courageous fighter, a strong and purposeful boy! Now he is nine years old, and thanks to regular rehabilitation, he is learning to walk on his own! He has a powerful incentive to study, he wants to lead a fulfilling, happy, joyful childhood life, he wants to run, jump, roller skate and dance.

Kirill has infantile cerebral palsy. This disease is incurable, but it is possible to restore the skills that are lost to the maximum. Thanks to the treatment, the boy increased the volume of active and passive movements in the joints, and improved fine motor skills. For the period of 9 years, the family has been going through a difficult path to recovery, all mixed with pain, fear, despair, fatigue, difficult recovery from a common cold, setbacks, tears and laughter. Kirill studies in grade 3 with other children, he does not study badly, it is hard for him to write, but he tries, reads a lot about space and shipbuilding, tries to play the guitar. Kirill is a well-rounded child. Due to the sharp leaps in growth, the right leg delays in growth compared with the left one, that is why Kirill walks on his toes, which hurts him, he stumbles and falls often. But he rises and moves on! He goes to his goal, to his victory. But he cannot cope on his own.

Kirill’s family is asking you to help them to continue their path to a healthy and happy childhood for their son. After all, he really wants to be like all his friends and agemates! Each rehabilitation brings him closer to his cherished dream: to walk on his own! Thanks to the sincere support of Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace donators, Kirill has already undergone several rehabilitation courses and there is noticeable progress in his condition: the tone in the muscles decreased, the leg dropped a little, and the pain when walking disappeared. The next two courses of rehabilitation at the Koziavkin International Clinic require UAH 44 090.

The family’s finances are exhausted, all funds are spent on current treatment, massages, exercise therapy, classes in specialized centers. We ask you to support Kirill and help raise the necessary amount for rehabilitation!

Full name: Titov Kirill, 21.08.2011
City: Krasnoselka village, Odessa region.
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, right hemiparesis
ID: 7095
Charity donation
09.09.2021 19:22
23103.35 UAH
Charity donation
09.09.2021 19:00
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.09.2021 10:10
5.18 UAH
Charity donation
09.09.2021 06:52
400.00 UAH
Роби Добро
08.09.2021 20:59
250.00 UAH
All donors

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