Liza needs help
Liza needs help

Liza needs help

The project is carried by
Started: 14.03.2025
Still needed
27200.00 UAH
Total goal
27200.00 UAH

Elizabeth was diagnosed with a severe form of type 1 diabetes at the age of five. And for seven years now, the girl has been on constant insulin injections and blood sugar measurements. Elizabeth is very prone to hypoglycemia, so constant monitoring is very important to save the child's life. Once a year, Liza goes to the children's hospital for a full examination, because diabetes is a very insidious disease and it is necessary to carefully take care of the consequences for the body of a child who has this disease.

Unfortunately, the family is no longer able to constantly buy monitoring sensors for Liza. When there is no opportunity to buy a sensor, Liza gets finger pricks at least 15 times a day, and this is also not enough to see the whole picture of blood sugar movements. Thanks to the sensors, parents always see their child's sugar and can respond in time to hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.

Now Liza is 13 years old, she is in the 7th grade. In addition to school, the girl is learning to play the guitar. She has a pet cat, Stefania, playing with which distracts the girl and gives her peace. Mom asks to help her daughter with monitoring sensors, which allow the girl to rest from injections.

Full name: Bachylo Elyzaveta, 28.12.2011
City: Zaporizhzhia
Diagnosis: Type 1 insulin-dependent diabetes
ID: 10040
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