M!KO saves the hearts of Polina and Nazar
M!KO saves the hearts of Polina and Nazar

M!KO saves the hearts of Polina and Nazar

The project is carried by
Started: 06.09.2021
Uzyn and Chernihiv
Totally raised
116991.0 UAH
Total goal
116991.00 UAH

This project was created and supported thanks to the charitable project "Buy a sticker – do good with M!KO! Summer".

Darmenko Nazar (born 30.10.2012) from the city of Uzin needs heart surgery. The boy has a congenital heart defect – a patent ductus arteriosus. Nazar's heart defect was discovered at birth and the doctors had a hope that over time it would close on its own. But constant observations, examinations showed that without surgery, Nazar's heart will not be healthy. The boy needs to correct the defect by installing a heart implant. A single mother cannot purchase an implant on her own and save her son's life. Only caring benefactors are able to give Nazarchik a happy future and a healthy heart.

Polina Lukyanets (born 11.11.2019) from Chernihiv has congenital heart disease – defect of the secondary opening. The girl urgently needs an operation with a heart implant. Polinochka's low-income family cannot afford to purchase a heart implant. And the operation must be carried out now. After all, a sick heart does not allow the girl to live normally.

Surgeries for these children are performed by Amosov's doctors free of charge. But the parents need to purchase heart implants for the operation. The families of children are poor and do not have the opportunity to purchase implants and save the lives of their children. Only we, caring people, can come to the rescue.

Thanks to the Eurasia restaurant chain and all customers who bought charity stickers with M!KO. Thanks to these funds, we have a chance to save the lives of children.

Full name: Darmenko Nazar, 30.10.2012, Lukyanets Polina, 11.11.2019
City: Uzyn, Chernihiv
Diagnosis: heart disease
ID: 7436
Charity donation
06.09.2021 17:23
500.68 UAH
Charity donation
06.09.2021 16:26
116490.32 UAH
All donors

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