Twins future
Twins future

Twins future

The project is carried by
Started: 21.03.2014
Totally raised
17600.0 UAH
Total goal
17600.00 UAH

Twins Vladislav and Svyatoslav Makovskiy suffer from the infantile cerebral paralysis. Boys are not able to move by themselves and have backwardness in psychoverbal development. But permanent treatment already has the results. Vladislav is trying to make first steps by himself, Svyatoslav’s speech is becoming better and he does not leave the hope to stand firm on his hardly controlled legs. Now, keeping the treatment is strongly required to give them a chance to be independent. In the near future, they have to undergo a course of treatment in medical center «Health», the price of the course is 17.600 UAH, but their parents cannot gather such sum. Let us help them together to find resources and put the boys on their legs.

Vladislav and Svyatoslav were born before a certain period, with small weights. Parents were genuinely happy to give birth to their two sons, and at first nothing was unusual in children's development. But eventually parents noticed that the boys begun hold their heads much later than their peers, also they did not attempt to sit. Doctors assured - don't be so tragic about it, given that boys were born prematurely, they will catch up later in the development of their peers. But it turned out that the reason for this lies in a serious illness. At the age of 1 year 7 months both boys were diagnosed the infantile cerebral paralysis, double hemiplegia - is one of the most severe forms of the disease.

The treatment has been lasting during almost five years and requires enormous effort and cost. This is a big job to educate, treat and develop physically and spiritually a child with such problems, and in Makovskiy family there two of them. The boys will be seven in May. They grow very inquisitive, with a great desire and perseverance to learn the ropes, and, doing special training on the computer, get ready for school.

It is possible to recover from infantile cerebral paralysis, but it takes years of work. If adequate treatment and rehabilitation continue, children would live a productive life. Parents have been struggling with disease without external support for a long period of time, but now are forced to seek help. They believe that there are many caring people who will respond and be able to give their children a happier future.

Name: Vladislav and Svyatoslav Makovskiy, 7-year-old

Location: Torez, Donetsk region

Diagnosis: the infantile cerebral paralysis, the double hemiplegia

ID: 901
Charity donation
26.04.2014 01:15
1575.00 UAH
25.04.2014 23:12
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
25.04.2014 16:37
10.00 UAH
Инна и Дмитрий Невзоровы
25.04.2014 15:36
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
25.04.2014 15:35
200.00 UAH
All donors

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