Litle girl vs megablasts
Litle girl vs megablasts

Litle girl vs megablasts

The project is carried by
Started: 27.04.2017
Totally raised
450000.0 UAH
Total goal
450000.00 UAH

Katia’s life is just beginning – she is just eighteen months old. She, like the sun, lit up the hopes of young parents. At this age, children are playing happily, opening new interesting things, enjoy sun and rain. They live colorful lives, they laugh merrily and loud. But for Katiusha world opened its terrible side - pain, fear, helplessness, tears, grim walls of the chambers of the children’s cancer department. The girl is sick with blood cancer and she needs bone marrow transplantation. The cost of such an operation abroad is Euro 138,000.

Katia Popova at such a tender age has to face a serious challenge – the fight against deadly disease. The diagnosis of acute megakaryoblast myeloid leukemia was made out on the eve of the new year 2017. She did not have a chance to enjoy fabulous New Year's miracles. Instead, very weak and with fever, she was taken to the hospital. By now the girl has received 5 courses of chemotherapy in the Kiev hospital. She has not enough strength to run, to scream or to fly in her dad’s hands. Her strength is so needed to recover after chemotherapy, to take someone else's blood, to destroy evil megablasts settled in her tender body. Fortunately, her mother is always by her side, so are experienced doctors and nurses.

Katia urgently needs bone marrow transplantation. He doesn’t have identical related. Thus, the solution is either an unrelated compatible donor or partially compatible family donor. The parents found the clinic in Barcelona, Spain, which is ready to accept Katia for treatment. Donor search and the surgery cost Euro 138,000. The family has already collected Euro 123,000 and made the payment for a donor. Donor search in the International Register has already started. But to pay for the treatment invoice the parents still lack 15 thousand euros.

We plan to collect UAH 450 000 on UBB to help this young family and save the child.


Name: Katia Popova, 24.09.2015

City: Poltava

Diagnosis: acute megakaryoblast myeloid leukemia

ID: 3034
Charity donation
11.05.2017 22:45
0.82 UAH
Charity donation
11.05.2017 22:43
245.00 UAH
Charity donation
11.05.2017 22:39
50.93 UAH
Charity donation
11.05.2017 22:36
100.00 UAH
Yurii Kril
11.05.2017 22:35
500.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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