The little princess asks for help! 2
The little princess asks for help! 2

The little princess asks for help! 2

The project is carried by
Started: 18.10.2021
Kyiv region
Totally raised
41000.0 UAH
Total goal
41000.00 UAH

This little princess is named Ksenia and will soon be 5 years old. From the first days of her life to this day – all this time this fragile girl is struggling with cerebral palsy and developmental delay.

It all started with lesions of the central nervous system, movement disorders syndrome and muscle hypertonicity – this was the first verdict of the doctor. Subsequently, the girl developed a squint. Of course, Ksenia began to be treated. Time passed, but in addition to everything, the baby began to show a developmental delay. Subsequently, a new diagnosis of cerebral palsy appeared in the girl's medical history.

Systematic treatment improves Ksenia's condition, she has already completed many rehabilitation courses, each of which brings something new. The girl has potential, she wants to be healthy and live a happy childhood, so she tries very hard in the classroom and makes every effort to fulfill all the recommendations of the doctors.

Ksenia can already run now! Run, can you imagine? Yes, even if she does it not so confidently, but she does it on her own, and this is priceless. She learned a lot of new sounds and became more emotional. These are great results!

We are very happy for Ksenia and really want to support her again. In order not to lose these skills and gain new ones, the treatment must be continued, but the family does not have the funds for this. This little princess cannot cope without you, help her.

Full name: Prakhnitska Ksenia, 06.12.2016
City: Boyarka, Kyiv region
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, grade 2 spastic diplegia, delayed mental and speech development
ID: 7503
Charity donation
01.11.2021 16:15
183.80 UAH
01.11.2021 14:32
298.00 UAH
Charity donation
01.11.2021 13:32
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
01.11.2021 12:50
600.00 UAH
Charity donation
01.11.2021 12:23
20.00 UAH
All donors

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