Small steps to a big victory
Small steps to a big victory

Small steps to a big victory

The project is carried by
Started: 14.06.2023
Totally raised
28350.0 UAH
Total goal
28350.00 UAH

Meet Olivia. A girl from Uzhhorod, born with severe autism spectrum disorder (ASD). She is almost 5 years old and still has no speech. Olivia feels disoriented in space and has difficulty understanding her teacher's instructions.

Simple daily tasks and communication with others are very difficult for her. She experiences stress and uncertainty in various situations that are common for other children. This can lead to misunderstandings and alienation from the world around her. 

A loving family understands Olivia without words, but the world is created differently. In a year, Olivia is going to go to school, where communication with her teacher and classmates will be verbal.

Olivia has her own abilities and talents, she has a vivid imagination and her own unique interests. Her parents and close friends, as well as the professionals who work with her, provide her with support and help in developing her potential. The girl needs to receive specialized education and therapeutic assistance to develop her communication skills, spatial orientation and understanding of instructions. Each person with autism is unique, and Olivia needs individualized and patient treatment to help her overcome difficulties, reach her potential, and live a full life in society.

The goal of our project "Small steps to a big victory" is to raise UAH 28,350 to pay for Olivia's remedial classes. Your support will help provide the girl with the necessary resources, help her develop and open up new horizons.

Each of your donations is a step towards the future, each hryvnia is a contribution to the classes that will help Olivia develop socialization, communication and independence skills. Together we can change this girl's life for the better. Support us and become a part of another success story!

Full name: Tsyrkul Olivia, 21.11.2018
City: Uzhhorod
Diagnosis: ASD (Autism)
ID: 8804
Charity donation
23.06.2023 23:45
7770.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.06.2023 00:20
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.06.2023 16:36
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.06.2023 16:02
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.06.2023 09:41
100.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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