Little hero David needs support!
Little hero David needs support!

Little hero David needs support!

The project is carried by
Started: 27.09.2024
Still needed
28720.00 UAH
Total goal
29000.00 UAH

David is a little hero who, at the age of 7, is forced to overcome difficulties that are hard to imagine. His world is full of cars, trains and airplanes – things he loves to see in his favorite cartoons. His eyes shine with sincere joy when he plays with cars or looks at various vehicles. Every moment of such play is a real happiness for him, because at this time he is distracted from the daily struggle for independence and the opportunity to live a full life.

David's greatest achievement is his incredible desire for independence. Despite being diagnosed with cerebral palsy, which greatly complicates his life, David does not give up. Thanks to the rollator, he is making his first, still a little uncertain, but such important steps forward. For him, every step is a huge victory, comparable to reaching the highest peaks. The dedication of the boy and his family to the fight for a better life is impressive.

Treatment at the Bersenev Center has become a real lifeline for David. Thanks to regular rehabilitation courses, he is showing a gradual but steady improvement. His body is getting stronger, his movements are becoming more coordinated, and every new day brings hope that tomorrow he will be able to achieve even more.

David is the fourth child in the large Lyachko family. His birth was premature, and from the first minutes of his life he had to fight for his existence. After birth, the boy was in serious condition and was transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit, where doctors fought for his life with all their might. However, the consequences of this struggle left their mark – the left side of David's body is not working. He can't eat on his own, every day he spends under the supervision of adults, and without the help of his family it is difficult for him to cope with basic things.

Despite all the difficulties, this boy continues to fight and strives to develop. However, his journey is far from over. Each step forward requires new efforts and resources. David has already undergone rehabilitation at the Bersenev Center several times, and his family sees real results. The doctors are confident that David can be helped, but they need funds for further treatment.

David's parents are appealing to everyone who cares to help raise funds for a new course of rehabilitation. Each contribution can become a saving grace on the way to David's ability to live a full life. Your support is of great importance to him and his family, because together we can help this little hero overcome these difficult challenges.

Full name: Lyachko David, 03.02.2017
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, double hemiplegia, eastern oblique, delayed sex-motor and psycho-speech development, consequences of hypoxic-ischemic CNS damage
ID: 9703

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
27.09.2024 16:42
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.09.2024 15:34
180.00 UAH
All donors
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