Little Prince wants to walk!
Little Prince wants to walk!

Little Prince wants to walk!

The project is carried by
Started: 01.04.2019
Totally raised
23000.00 UAH
Total goal
23000.00 UAH

“What a handsome boy! You will have a very beautiful boy,” said the gynecologist during the ultrasound examination and was happy with the happy mother. When little George was born, the obstetrician in the delivery room said the same words: "This is the real Little Prince!". But God gave this boy not only beauty but also strength, thirst, and desire to live and fight for his life... They were the ones who helped George survive the first days after birth.

Immediately after the boy was born, he suffered coma, resuscitation, pneumonia, artificial respiration, and lung ventilation and feeding through a probe. The child was in critical condition...

Once the bad news was reported to relatives: the baby does not breathe on its own. Doctors offered to insert a tube into his throat, and this was the only possible option for help. However, the next morning, when the doctor on duty did a detour, she saw that George was lying and breathing on his own! It was an incredible gift from God!

For all this time, the boy spent a lot of genetic tests and consultations, according to which everything was normal. Unambiguous diagnosis, except for cerebral palsy, is not installed. However, the boy does a lot of work at home, he undergoes exercise therapy, massages, dolphin therapy, climatotherapy, and rehabilitation in sanatoriums...

Time flies fast, but George still cannot speak or walk. Parents want to put their Little Prince on their feet more than anything else. And for this, you need to determine the exact diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. In the Priorytet center can help, but the family has not enough money. Support the Little Prince!


Name: Kolesnyk Ceorgii, 28.04.2015

City: Kiev

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy


This project was canceled, the amount collected is 23 000.00 UAH. The funds were disposed of in accordance with the Rules, Principles, and Procedures of the Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace (UBB) International Charitable Fund and the decisions of the Project Donors.

ID: 4981
Camelgroup Diamant
20.04.2019 08:41
2635.25 UAH
Charity donation
19.04.2019 22:47
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
19.04.2019 22:39
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.04.2019 17:51
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.04.2019 16:13
173.33 UAH
All donors

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