Mom, don't worry, I'll get better!
Mom, don't worry, I'll get better!

Mom, don't worry, I'll get better!

The project is carried by
Started: 08.09.2020
Totally raised
24000.0 UAH
Total goal
24000.00 UAH

Denys was born a healthy boy, but a few hours after birth, he began to breathe badly and wheeze.  The kid was taken to the intensive care unit. For the first five days Denys was connected to the CPAP device, after which the boy was transferred to the pathology department. There Denys spent three more weeks: he took medication, learned to eat and gain weight.

 The boy was discharged in satisfactory condition and was recommended to undergo an examination by a neurologist once a month. It was at one of these examinations that Denys was referred to geneticists and for an MRI. So the baby was diagnosed with “unbalanced chromosomal pathology and congenital malformation of the brain, hypoginesia of the corpus callosum”. Mom was told that due to such a diagnosis, support in physical and mental development is possible. And so it happened.

Already at four months old, my mother began to notice that Denys did not hold his head and did not lie on his stomach at all, did not take a toy in his hands. They began to prepare for rehabilitation in order to somehow help in the physical development of their son, and here Denys had his first epileptic seizure. He was forbidden to undergo rehabilitation. Then there were months in hospitals, a bunch of tests, many hours of electroencephaloharm, hormones, expensive drugs, and all in vain.

However, the boy ended up in a center dealing with children with epilepsy, where the mother was given hope, the experts determined that the child was promising. Now Denys is already focusing his gaze, takes the toy (though with only one hand), smiles, in a word – reacts to the environment. He likes to watch cartoons, listen to fairy tales, is fond of musical toys.

Denys still has a lot to learn – to sit, and walk, and talk, but all this requires funds and regularity.  And it's not so easy when a mother brings up her son alone. Therefore, we are starting to raise funds for a rehabilitation course for Denys. Support us!


Full name: Sikorsky Denis, 28.10.2018
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: hypogenesis of the corpus callosum, polydactyly, cryptochism, congenital microcephaly, spastic tetraparesis against the background of diffuse muscle hypotension, dyskinetic and pseudobulbar syndrome, symptomatic epilepsy, myoclonus Q98
ID: 6314
Charity donation
19.09.2020 04:53
3758.48 UAH
18.09.2020 17:59
52.95 UAH
Charity donation
18.09.2020 17:47
50.93 UAH
Charity donation
18.09.2020 15:08
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.09.2020 09:41
51.01 UAH
All donors

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