Mom, I have no childhood! 4
Mom, I have no childhood! 4

Mom, I have no childhood! 4

The project is carried by
Started: 10.03.2021
Donetsk region
Totally raised
35000.0 UAH
Total goal
35000.00 UAH

Many of you know Eva, because thanks to your help, the girl was able to recover as much as possible after leg surgery in 2017. During this time, she has achieved great success – already walks with walkers and canes.

Eva has recently turned 13, entering adolescence is an important moment in the development of any child. The girl began a period of active growth, and now she needs rehabilitation more than ever. But, unfortunately, not all centers are ready to work with teenagers, preference is given to younger children.

It was difficult for the mother to find a rehabilitation center ready to provide Eva with the necessary approach and program for older children. The work of this center is aimed at providing comprehensive rehabilitation. Center provides the opportunity to undergo all the exminations and to receive consultations of narrow experts. Rehabilitation specialists of this center are working to restore a number of skills. In the case of Eva, it is motor and household skills that are needed in the daily life of any person. This is very important for Eva, because in just a few years, adult life will open in front of her, and she must be ready for it.

As for now, Eva, like all the children, gets knowledge at school. She likes computer science, English, biology the most. She is still optimistic and still smiling. She sends her greetings to everybod and hopes for your support!

Full name: Karpova Eva, 07.09.2007
City: Kramatorsk, Donetsk region
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia
ID: 6936
Charity donation
20.08.2021 18:56
1469.77 UAH
Charity donation
20.08.2021 14:00
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
19.08.2021 21:52
30.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.08.2021 20:24
10.20 UAH
Charity donation
19.08.2021 19:28
1018.33 UAH
All donors

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