Maria wants to walk on her own so much! 3
Maria wants to walk on her own so much! 3

Maria wants to walk on her own so much! 3

The project is carried by
Started: 07.03.2025
Sumy region
Still needed
40229.00 UAH
Total goal
51700.00 UAH

Mariyka is only 3 years old, but her little life has already been filled with struggles. After birth, she was diagnosed with jaundice and underwent treatment. However, the jaundice did not go away… She was transferred to the pathology department, where, after numerous examinations, doctors diagnosed her with severe conditions: dystonic-hyperkinetic syndrome, bilirubin encephalopathy, brain subatrophy, and mixed hydrocephalus. At just 5 months old, Mariyka underwent her first rehabilitation, and by the age of one, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP) and received disability status.

Now she is 3 years old. She still cannot sit, turn over, or walk on her own.

Her only chance is regular rehabilitation, which brings real progress!

Recently, she completed therapy that led to positive changes: her speech improved, and she started making new sounds; her back became stronger, and she now holds her head better; thanks to the right medications, she has started gaining weight.

This is a huge step forward, but she cannot stop now!

Mariyka urgently needs another rehabilitation course!

Please help her get closer to her dream—taking her first independent steps!


Full name: Nabok Maria, 06.01.2021
City: Lypova Dolyna town, Sumy region
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, dystonic hypotonic form. Motor disorders of level V according to GMFCS. Delay in psycholinguistic development. Eastern strabismus. Autonomic dysfunction
ID: 10036

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
10.03.2025 10:48
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.03.2025 10:16
200.00 UAH
10.03.2025 09:47
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.03.2025 09:31
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.03.2025 08:47
100.00 UAH
All donors
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