My marathon for free breathing of babies
My marathon for free breathing of babies

My marathon for free breathing of babies

The project is carried by
Started: 28.09.2018
Totally raised
6000.0 UAH
Total goal
6000.00 UAH

I will not run at Wizzair Kyiv Marathon this time. Because the run itself is not important. My purpose is to raise money to support doctors who give children healthy hearts and the opportunity to breathe with full breasts. I began running three years ago in order to help children. I wanted to show myself and everyone who knows me that saving someone's life requires a good effort. Actually, such a goal is worth much more than a jog. No need to look for excuses, just start moving your butt. And that's what each of us can do. 

I decided that during the fundraising marathon, which lasts till October 12, I’ll do some valuable things – for you, for the Earth, for strangers, for sick and old ones. I will tell about my activities in social media, showing how much we all can do for the world.
And honestly, I need your help. Because I want fibrobroschoscope, which is the unique device that allows children to breathe after heart surgery, to work in the nearest future. Because we gave our word. And we are aware of how this apparatus is needed to save lives:

A single fibrobroschoscope in Ukraine was operating at the National Center for Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery – and now it broke down. That apparatus has the finest optical fibers, designed specifically for neonatal help for children from 1.5 kg. With its help, doctors can look at the baby's bronchi from the inside and pump out the liquids what impede breathing.
The device needs to be repaired in order to continue saving children’s lives.

I want to raise 6 000 UAH for this project. If it works out, then more. Until October 12th!

ID: 4480
11.10.2018 16:27
297.62 UAH
Charity donation
11.10.2018 10:59
122.35 UAH
Charity donation
11.10.2018 10:32
393.00 UAH
Charity donation
11.10.2018 10:20
101.83 UAH
Олена Мацібох
11.10.2018 10:09
200.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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