Mykhailo: the struggle for development. 2
Mykhailo: the struggle for development. 2

Mykhailo: the struggle for development. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 04.11.2024
Vinnytsia region
Still needed
17968.00 UAH
Total goal
30000.00 UAH

Little Mykhailo has severe neurological disorders. Already in the first three months of his life, his parents noticed a developmental delay: the baby could not hold his head while lying on his stomach and showed no interest in toys. The first epileptic seizure occurred when the boy was three months old. Over time, the seizures became more frequent, and reached 20-25 seizures a day. After the examinations, Mykhailo was diagnosed with epilepsy, as well as developmental delays and problems with the nervous system. 

As soon as the doctors managed to find an effective anticonvulsant therapy and reduce the frequency of seizures, the boy was allowed to start rehabilitation. Thanks to several courses of therapeutic massages, Mykhailo learned to roll over from his back to his stomach on his own – a small but important victory. Now the boy is 2 years old, and after all the courses of treatment, his parents have seen tangible changes in their son's condition: he began to hold his head better, became more active and began to concentrate on his own hands and feet. The boy also started babbling more.

However, Mykhailo's treatment needs to be continued, as professional rehabilitation therapy will help stimulate his development and open up new opportunities for the future. We believe that with your support this little boy will get a chance to develop and have a happy childhood!

Full name: Mykhailo Kvasniewskyi, 21.10.2022
City: Zhmerynka, Vinnytsia region
Diagnosis: Sensorineural hearing loss of the 5th century, deafness. Hip dysplasia. Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, without reference to drug-resistant epilepsy. Structural epilepsy in the form of extensor spasms, developmental delay, dyskinetic syndrome of unspecified genesis. Delay in mental and pre-speech development. Delay in motor development
ID: 9771

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
25.02.2025 14:38
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.02.2025 09:23
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.02.2025 22:32
150.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.02.2025 08:41
145.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.02.2025 10:24
300.00 UAH
All donors
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