Mykola Ivanovich needs help with treatment
Mykola Ivanovich needs help with treatment

Mykola Ivanovich needs help with treatment

The project is carried by
Started: 06.04.2021
Rivne region
Totally raised
11025.0 UAH
Total goal
11025.00 UAH

Mykola Ivanovich is now a pensioner. The man is sixty-seven years old. Originally from the Rivne region, where he lived all his life. His life was not easy. He worked hard from his youth. And as a carpenter at RSU-5 in Korets, then at an enterprise for the production of concrete rings for wells.

Several years ago Mykola Ivanovich had a heart attack. Then the stents were placed on the man. In 2020, he began to worry about seizures accompanied by weakness. “I am falling and ... I don’t remember anything", Mykola Ivanovich recalls. He was urgently hospitalized in the hospital. "I had heart surgery and a pacemaker," says the man. He cannot talk for a long time – shortness of breath begins to disturb.

After inserting a pacemaker, blood thinners should be taken. Mykola Ivanovich was prescribed Xarelto 20 mg. In addition to this drug, he also has a whole list of accompanying drugs. Mykola Ivanovich's wife suffered three strokes. The woman is having a hard time recovering. The man takes care of her, and cooks and feeds her food. "This is life", says Mykola Ivanovich. "Nothing to brag about. There is no health". 

"Since the pension is minimal and I am in a difficult situation", the old man  writes, "So I ask you for help."

Full name: Pryshva Mykola, 12.05.1953
City: Korets, Rivne region
Diagnosis: CHD. Angina pectoris FC III. Atherosclerotic and postinfarction cardiosclerosis (Q heart attack 2016). Anterior blockade of the anterior leg of the bundle of His AV blockade III. Artificial rhythm driver (since 13.01.20) CH II A, FC III, risk IV.
ID: 7017
Charity donation
16.04.2021 17:46
533.74 UAH
Charity donation
16.04.2021 17:11
203.67 UAH
16.04.2021 12:53
137.47 UAH
Эдуард Захарчук
16.04.2021 12:34
1950.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.04.2021 10:08
200.00 UAH
All donors

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