Mykola Ivanovych needs help with treatment. 2
Mykola Ivanovych needs help with treatment. 2

Mykola Ivanovych needs help with treatment. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 31.01.2022
Rivne region
Totally raised
32500.0 UAH
Total goal
32500.00 UAH

Retired Mykola Ivanovych has been living with a pacemaker for two years now. In 2016, he suffered a heart attack, and 4 years later heart surgery. Doctors prescribed him a regular dose of Xarelto, which treats deep thrombosis. But the drug is very expensive and Nikolai Ivanovich's pension is not enough for him.

All his life Nikolai Ivanovich worked hard. He was also a carpenter at RSU, and made concrete rings for wells. He spent almost all his life in Rivne region. Two years ago, after a heart attack, her husband's health began to decline. He began to suffer from seizures, accompanied by weakness. "I fell and I don't remember anything," Mykola Ivanovych recalls. The man was urgently hospitalized. "I had heart surgery and a pacemaker," he said. He can't talk for a long time – he starts to have shortness of breath.

Blood thinners should be taken after the pacemaker is installed. Mykola Ivanovych was prescribed a whole list of concomitant medications. But the main one is Xarelto. 

Mykola Ivanovych lives with his wife. But it is not so much help as caring for her. Mykola Ivanovych's wife suffered three strokes, she is a disabled person of the second group. The husband takes care of her, and prepares food and feeds his wife. "Such is life," says Mykola Ivanovych. – There is nothing to brag about. He is not healthy. "

This small family lives on their minimum pensions. They no longer have enough money for medicines. Support the man, help him with medicines!

Full name: Pryshva Mykola, 12.05.1953
City: Korets, Rivne region
Diagnosis: CHD. Angina pectoris FC III. Atherosclerotic and postinfarction cardiosclerosis
ID: 7844
Charity donation
18.08.2022 17:32
13227.30 UAH
Charity donation
17.08.2022 12:19
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.08.2022 17:37
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.08.2022 23:33
150.00 UAH
Charity donation
02.08.2022 05:30
500.00 UAH
All donors

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